Project Management Activities

As public health projects go, the END in Africa has a huge scope. Few projects distribute tens of millions of drugs to tens of millions of people for not one, but seven different diseases, over such a large geographical space—five separate countries. Not surprisingly, seamless coordination of the project’s many partners and stakeholders is a primary concern requiring well-honed project management expertise.

As the primary partner overseeing the END in Africa project, FHI 360 ensures smooth coordination and collaboration among national governments in beneficiary countries, USAID and other donors, project partners, sub-grantees, and drug suppliers. Its main activities include:

  • Grant management and assuring compliance with donor regulations and sub grantee agreements through regular project monitoring and reviews.
  • Tracking spending and ensuring partners implement agreed activities on schedule and according to the project’s budget.
  • Developing an approved schedule of project activities with USAID and assigning activities to partners and sub-grantees.
  • Improving the project work plan and incorporating lessons learned over the life of the project into the new work plan structure.
  • Managing the transition from 2nd tier sub-agreements with ministries of health, to fixed obligation grants, which increase the limit on individual sub-agreements to $500,000.
  • Participating in and contributing to the Ghana USAID mission’s quarterly Health Partners’ review meeting.
  • Capturing and disseminating (through LATH) information on project outcomes, methods, strategies, guidelines, progress, success stories, lessons learned and best practices via a dedicated program website and newsletter.
  • Facilitating and providing technical guidance and support to the program’s national ministries of health and sub-grantees.

Capacity Building

Capacity building is a major focus of the END program in both Africa and Asia. END program partners help national governments identify and submit requests for technical assistance in areas such as program and financial management, supply chain management and procurement, and monitoring and evaluation, among others. Requests for technical assistance may be funded by the END program or through the Envision Project’s Technical Assistance Fund. Technical assistance may be supplied by END or Envision program partners, sub-grantees or external consultants.

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